Be Weak!


A poem for the 21st Century



It’s a strength to admit weakness, says the Tao:
Bend with the storms, flow with the river
Of Life

The meek shall inherit the earth, says the Bible:
Surrender to God’s will. There is only one true power . . .
That of Love

Be compassionate, be humble, say the Buddhists:
Allow life to unfold, Transcend desires
To find peace

And yet we’re still taught . . . that strong is good,
Physical might will prevail, human will will see us through
Mankind’s mind can solve all

Such prevailing wisdom breeds yet more arrogance.
Such conditioned beliefs suppress our humility yet more;
Disable our admission of weakness;
Bury our fears, deny our doubts.
And so, as individuals, as a species
We’ve become sick

To break free our chains of perceived control
Admit we are powerless!
To find inner strength
KNOW that our real power
Comes from God, through Love

Boys DO cry . . . and need to
Stiff upper lips have had their day.
Let the tears roll!
Let the lips tremble!
Let the knees buckle
Be weak!
Be weak, NOW!

Keith Beasley

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