Publications & public engagement activities
before moving to Higher Education and its focus on public engagement I have
always felt at home networking and sharing my ideas with individuals and
groups from all walks of life. As an engineer (my first career) I fully
appreciated that research, experience and knowledge is of little value
unless it is communicated, in whatever form is appropriate, with those who
might benefit from it. Just as importantly, such sharing is a two-way activity:
it is through the exchange of theories and practices that new insights
are gained and ideas refined. This is particularly the case on topics related
to OneReality and transcendence: unless hypotheses and techniques are fully
consistent with the experience of individuals and groups from a broad spectrum
of human endevour, they cannot be considered as representative of OneReality.
page lists books, papers, presentations and other public engagement
that I have written or given over the years. It is in reverse
chronological order and split into sections corresponding to the phases
of my working life. Whilst the items included in each phase (see my background)
might seem to relate to very different subject areas, the themes
of experiential learning, action research, integration and whole-ness
are common.
Conferences at which I'll be speaking, papers accepted for publication or in preparation.
published and public engagement events organised since Nov 2008, when I
began by postgraduate studies into transcendent experiences and
evolutionary consciousness.
Books, published articles and public events organised since Feb 1996
Books, articles and conference papers
'Photo Poems', short stories and other inspirational words
Forthcoming and recent publications
and presentations
New Normals in how we
Nuances and how to tune into them
Getting the Essence Across
Paper on accelerated learning and the teaching & learning of spiritual knowing.
Network Review, Summer 2014 pp19-21
Experience of Worship - beyond rational meaning
Beasley, K., Aveling, J & Moss, J.F. ‘Voices from the nave: participant reflections’ in Late Medieval Liturgies Enacted: The experience of worship in cathedral and parish church, Harper, S., Barnwell, P.S & Williamson, M., Ashgate, 2016, pp255-269
Beasley, K. Transcendent Experience, Process, and Praxis Within the ‘Transcendence Movement’
Bangor University PhD Thesis 2013
Beasley, K. The nature of Reflective Practice as a soft-skill: enabling a conducive T&L environment
Bangor University, From PGCertHE Portfolio, 2013
the Field
Conference at Aberystwyth on November 9-10 2012
Beyond ‘isms & ‘ologies: Being a Researcher, Being Human
See abstract (.doc); Presentation
slides (.pdf)
in a Fragmented World
2nd International Conference of the British Association for the Study
of Spirituality
May 15 -17 2012
‘Through fragmentation to wholeness:
transcendent experiences and how to enable them’ - workshop.
See abstract (.doc)
Publications and presentations related to transcendence
- ‘The Experience of
Worship': research, engagement and transcendence’ De Numine No 51, Summer 2011, pp20-23
- Submission (with the North
Wales Network News)
to the Welsh Assembly Government on ‘Marginalised religious and spiritual
beliefs in Wales’
(June 2011)
- Chairman of Conference
Committee: Beyond Boundaries PG
Conference, Bangor University (Jan 2010
and Jan 2011)
- Founder and coordinator of BUTT: Bangor
University Transcending Thought acting as local group for AHS, SMN and
Wrekin Trust
- And then what?
How to assimilate Extraordinary Experiences, and why (paper)
presented at Exploring the Extraordinary
Conference, York
(Sept 2010). Read
abstract; see
presentation (.ppt, 1Mb).
- Wanted! Post-postmodern Attitudes (paper) Human Behaviour and Climate Change PG Conference, Cardiff
University. (Sept 2010). Read abstract; see presentation (.ppt, 1Mb).
- Human Nature: a healing experience (workshop) and Personal
development and natural evolution: the role of transcendent experiences (paper)
presented at Nature and Human Nature
CEP 2010 Annual Conference, St. Anne’s
College, Oxford. (Sept 2010). Read abstract; see presentation (.ppt, 1Mb).
- The new 3Rs - Relaxation, Reflection . . . and Research (poster) Exploring the What, Why and How of
Public Engagement. Beacons Conference, Wales Millennium Centre, Cardiff Bay. (July 2010)
- No pain, no gain: Why we may have to suffer - but don't have to be
a martyr! College
of Arts, Education & Humanities
Symposium, Bangor University.
(June 2010)
- Change: an evolutionary imperative? (paper) Climate Change Research in Bangor: A Review, C3W, Bangor
University. (May 2010)
- From LL to HE: Migrating the learning and teaching experience
(paper) Teaching and Learning Mini
Conference, Bangor University.
(April 2010)
- ‘WiFi Zones and beyond: the evolving
landscape of our connection to God' Religions, Landscapes and other
uncertain boundaries, BASR Conference, Bangor. (Sept 2009). Read abstract; see presentation (.ppt, 1Mb).
- 'Truth through Transcendence' Truth
and Lies: College of Arts & Humanities
postgraduates conference, Bangor University. (June 2009)
Publications and presentations related to well-being and holistic health
- ‘Aspects
of Love’, Spiritual Directors International in Europe
Conference, Dublin.
(workshop presenter, Oct 2009)
- 'Imagination
and Meditation: Two ends of the transcendence spectrum?' Science and
the Imagination: SMN Annual Gathering, Lindors Country House Hotel,
Glos. (workshop presenter, July 2009). Read
- Beasley,
K & Allen, L. The
Owl and the Unicorn's Guide to Mandalas, Lulu, 2008
- Beasley,
K. & Rose Bills, J. Rosy
Tinted Glasses, Lulu, 2007
- Beasley, K. Reiki
- Without Rules, London:
Lulu, 2007
- Beasley,
K. A Brave
New World Emerging, Lulu, 2006
- Co-creator of the Healing
Art Festival Forum, Unitarian
Church, Brighton,
June 2004.
- Secretary and Editor of
Sailing with Spirit, the holistic magazine and network
for Northamptonshire (1996 -2002); including the organising of (for example):
Stress Relief through Alternative Therapies, for the Millennium
Conference of the IPD (Institute
of Personnel and Development),
Northampton Guildhall, March 2000.
- Beasley, K. 'The Emotional Quotient' Mensa, May 1987, p25.
Text of original article
, Scan of Article
Publications and presentations related to Total Quality and Reliability
- Holden, A.J., Allen, R.W.,
Beasley, K. & Parker, D.R. ‘Death by a thousand cuts: The physics of
device failure through a series of activated, microscopic events’ Quality & Reliability Eng. Int. Vol. 4, 1988, pp247-254.
- Beasley, K. 'New Standards
for Old' Quality & Reliability Eng. Int. Vol. 6, 1990, pp289-294.
- Beasley, K. 'Total Quality
- Energy and the Environment' Proc.
2nd Components Engineering, Reliability and Test Conf., 1991, pp60-76.
- Beasley, K. 'Total Quality
Management in Research and Development' Proc. 22nd European
Solid State Device Research Conf., Leuven, 1992, pp67-73
- Beasley, K. Total Quality Management in the
Electronics Industry, Cheltenham: Stanley
Thornes (Publishers) Ltd, 1994
- Beasley, K. Self Assessment: a tool for Integrated Management, Cheltenham:
Stanley Thornes (Publishers) Ltd, 1995
Download pdf - Beasley, K. Quality in Business Performance - How
to Change Attitudes, Cheltenham: Stanley
Thornes (Publishers) Ltd, 1995
- Beasley, K., Robinson, R.
‘Integrated Assessment – Extending
Internal quality Audits into Health and Safety’ Proc. TQM – The First World Congress, Sheffield Hallam
University, 1995
Web-site under
Copyright 2012 by Keith Beasley